Technical Characteristics of the Product

In the following lines the most important technical characteristics are fully explained:

Retroplate System

  • The first superficial floor treatment is mechanical. It increases floor planimetry and provides the desired texture.
  • Next we will use a combined chemical treatment. It is applied in different stages making a superficial, insoluble coat with the concrete floor. The main products used are GlastoneSeal and GlastoneGuard which are applied for colorless treatments, and GlasstoneColor and Glasstone Protect for chromatic treatments.
  • Daily maintenance is done with water and soap with neutral PH. Temporal treatments are done with specific pads that are moved by an approved high-speed machine propelled with propane.
  • Glasstone A&C will be used for stain treatment caused by salt residue or the perspiration of high phreatic levels which will help to control the alkalinity of the concrete floor as well as to polish the concrete floor.

Characteristics of the Treatment

  • Length of total application: 8-10 years.
  • Length of partial application: 2-4 years.
  • Size of application: about 60 to 250 m per day.
  • Maintenance: till 800 m per day.
  • Penetration of the superficial coat: from 3 to 8 mm.
  • Number of coats applied: from 2 to 4 with insoluble components that are combined in one single material.
  • Coloration: it is included among the different coats of the product. It provides consistency and color fixation with the superficial coat of the floor. Penetration is from 2 to 5 mm.
  • You will be able to walk on that floor 1 hour after the treatment.
  • Time for curing: 8 days.
  • Gliding: from 20 to 40 (UNE-ENV 12633-2003).
  • Wear and tear resistance: it increases the superficial hardness 1.5 points Mohs scale.
  • External agents resistance: it has been tested on more than 30 aggressive substances, including hydraulic and acid oils. Time of exposure up to 7 days.
  • It is stain-resistant.
  • Permeability: 0.07 (UNE-EN 1062-3:1999).


  • There are different color scales that can be used for both indoor and outdoor treatments.
  • Colors can be applied on dye concrete or integral color concrete.
  • Superficial materials: GlasstoneColor and GlasstoneProduct.
  • Mass concrete treatment will depend on its availability.
  • Maintenance will be the same as for those without dying.

Occupational Hazards

  • The toxicity level of Retroplate System products is very low. If you take the necessary precaution (i.e. using gloves and avoiding eye and mouth contact), Retropate System products are safe and non harmful.
  • Our products can be transported in any means of transport with no special driving license.
  • When applying the products, they do not emit any vapors. However, they cannot be nebulized since it would be harmful for the respiratory tract mucous.
  • Application procedure: it is spread making use of a mop especially designed.
  • Security protocol: avoid eye and mouth contact, use gloves when touching the product, it is highly recommended to use a mask. Do not ingest. Keep out of reach of children.

Minimum Requirements for Concrete Base

  • Self-compacting
  • HA25
  • Minimal retraction
  • 8 days curing

Type of Concrete Base where Retroplate System Can Be Applied

  • Concrete floors.
  • Polished concrete with or without pigmentation.
  • Color hardener.
  • Terrazo.
  • It is non-recommended for using on resins and epoxy.